Pixelmator 2 has just been released and it’s a great update to an already killer photo editing app. I’ll cut straight to the point, Pixelmator is the single best Photoshop alternative for the Mac platform at it’s price point, and at just $29.99 (App Store link) it’s much more affordable for the average joe than Adobe Photoshops whopping $500 tag.
It has all the standard photo editing and drawing tools, and version 2.0 includes tons of new features like content-aware fill, healing, smudge tools, and full OS X Lion support for Full Screen Mode, Auto Save, and Versions. No, it doesn’t include every option from the competition, but at a fraction of the price it’s more than competent for the majority of users needs.
Buy Pixelmator 2 on the App Store for $29.99
Currently on sale for $29.99, the apps price is expected to jump to $60 sometime in the future. Once it’s $60 the competition heats up a bit because Acorn is another great image editor for the Mac and costs $49.99.
The creators of Pixelmator have enough confidence in their app that they offer a full working trial version before you buy it, you can download the free 30 day trial to make sure it fits your photo editing and design needs before you buy. If you’re in the market for an image editor, check it out.
Update: OK I messed around with Pixelmator 2 for the past 10 minutes and most of the app is fantastic, but here are my two complaints: selecting elements within a layer can be challenging as the click often passes through the layers below that have larger elements, and text effects are nonexistent for things like gradients, shadows, etc, they have to be applied manually the old fashion way. Nothing that can’t be worked with, just a little different to adjust to for those coming from a Photoshop background.
Here’s my hideous 10 minute creation in the process of checking this app out: